Showing posts with label HSEF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HSEF. Show all posts

Monday, 24 October 2016

How Does an Occupier know that which provision/ rules are applicable to his factory under MSIHC Rules 1989

 If one of the operations or processes listed in Schedule 4 is carried out in a factory involving one or more hazardous chemicals, an occupier has to first ascertain the category to which his factory belongs i.e. whether the factory comes under lower-tier, middle-tier or higher-tier because the requirements/ provisions are different for different categories of factories .

The three categories of factories are given below 

Lower-tier Factory

Factories wherein an operation/process given in Schedule 4 is carried out involving one or more chemicals which satisfies any of the criteria laid down in Part I of Schedule I and/or listed in Column 2 of Part II of Schedule I irrespective of quantity of hazardous chemicals stored inside the factory, fall under this category.

Middle-tier Factory

Factories wherein an operation/process given in Schedule 4 is carried out involving one or more chemicals in quantities equal to or more than the quantity given in Column 3 of Schedule 2, fall under this category

Higher -tier Factory 

Factories wherein an operation/process given in Schedule 4 is carried out involving one or more chemicals in quantities equal to or more than the quantity given in Column 4 of Schedule 2, fall under the category

Do you know that which chemicals are covered under MSIHC Rules1989 ?

The chemicals fulfilling the criteria given in part 1 and or listed in part 2of schedule 1 and chemicals listed in schedule 2 and  3 are covered under MSIHC Rules

SCHEDULE 1 : Indicative Criteria and List of Chemicals

SCHEDULE 2 : Isolated storage at Installations other than those covered by Schedule 4

SCHEDULE 3 : List of Hazardous Chemicals for Application of Rules 5 and 7 to 15

Do you know that Which types of industrial activities are covered under the MSIHC Rules in India ?

 (a)     An operation or process listed in Schedule 4 carried out in an industrial installation involving one or more hazardous chemicals 

 (b)      An isolated storage involving one or more hazardous chemicals listed in Schedule 2, and
SCHEDULE 2 : Isolated storage at Installations other than those covered by
Schedule 4

 (c)         Pipeline for conveyance of a hazardous chemical other than the flammable gas at a pressure of less than 8 bars absolute

Saturday, 15 October 2016


Chapter 1: 
DELUGE VALVE SYSTEM : A Deluge System is a fixed fire protection system in which the pipe system is empty until the deluge valve operates to distribute pressurized water from open nozzles or sprinklers.
Deluge valve system mainly consists of deluge valve which is known as the control valve.Deluge valve system can be activated by a hydraulic ,pneumatic ,electric or manual release system and a combination of any of these release system.
Basically, Deluge valve is a quick release hydraulic operated diaphragm valve .It has three chambers  isolated from each other by the diaphragm operated clapper and seat seal.

While in 'SET' position, water pressure is transmitted through an external bypass check valve and restriction orifice from the system Supply side to the top chamber, so that supply pressure in the top chamber acts across the diaphragm operated clapper which holds
the seat against the inlet supply pressure because of differential pressure design.
 On detection of fire the top chamber is vented to atmosphere through the outlet port via opened actuation device(s). The top chamber pressure cannot be replenished through the restricted
inlet port, thus it reaches less than half the supply pressure instantaneously and the upward force of the supply pressure lifts the clapper allowing water to enter the system piping network and alarm devices.

IS 15325 : 2003

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Friday, 30 September 2016